How To Clean Jewelry At Home!

how to clean jewelry at home, jewelry cleaning tips, how to clean diamond jewelry, how to clean gold jewelry, how to clean silver jewelry, how to clean pearl jewelryIf you’ve invested your hard-earned money in a piece of jewelry, here are some tips on how to clean jewelry at home–courtesy of!

When it comes to cleaning your jewels it’s not about the professional store-bought cleanser.  Celebrity Jeweler and CEO of David Mamane, shares his favorite easy-to-use at-home solutions that will add luminosity to your jewelry box in minutes.
Toothpaste – Toothpaste is non-toxic and should be used exclusively for silver jewelry. Put a dime sized amount on your finger and apply in a circular motion on the object of your affection. After a minute, clean off toothpaste with warm water and wipe dry with a dry cloth.
Baking soda – Cleaning with baking soda should be used exclusively for sterling silver jewelry. Line a glass or plastic dish with a slightly crumpled piece of aluminum foil.  Lay your jewelry on top of the foil and sprinkle baking soda over each piece. Pour enough boiling water to immerse the jewelry. Bubbling should occur, giving off a rotten-egg odor. With a wood or plastic utensil, gently move the pieces around to ensure that all of the silver surfaces come in contact with the aluminum. You will notice that the silver has become bright again. Rinse your pieces under tap water and rub dry with a dry cloth.

Vinegar – Mix with water and use a soft toothbrush to clean; for silver or gold jewelry. Place the vinegar in a small jar put your jewelry inside. Let the items soak for about 15-20 minutes. Shake the jar gently for a few seconds, then remove items and gently brush them with warm water.

Dish Detergent – Mix with warm water; for delicate silver or gold jewelry. For your most delicate pieces, use unscented dish soap and warm water. Dip a dry rag or soft bristled toothbrush to clean these pieces.